29029 Challenge


I had the opportunity to participate in Jesse Itzler's 29029 Challenge. The number is significant as 29029 is number of feet the Everest summit sits above sea level. Jesse is always looking for ways for people to test themselves and #BuildtheLifeResume came up with the 29029 Challenge to do just that. Climb "Everest" in Vermont. 

A group of 150 people met in Stratton, VT at the ski resort to attempt to climb the ski mountain 17 times in a row. That many laps added up to 29029 feet of climbing. We had 48 hours to complete the challenge, and it tested every person to the max. I opted to try and climb straight through with no breaks, and it took me 15 hours from start to finish. All told about half of the group completed the challenge, but everyone learned something about themselves out there.

Daley and me earning every step.

Daley and me earning every step.

Celebrating with my pal, Adam, as he finished the challenge.

Celebrating with my pal, Adam, as he finished the challenge.

The most amazing part of the event was that is was strictly not a race. Rather it was "You against you." Given the nature of the course people lapping the same mountain over and over gave people the opportunity to bond with their fellow participants. Nothing like sweating over the same common goal to bring people together. I walked away from this experience with a number of new friends and an amazing experience. 

Listen to here a Podcast where both Jesse and I share our reflections on the event. I can't wait to see what Jesse has up his sleeve next!

Branding the wall. Each lap we branded the wall to mark the lap. This was my final brand. Woohoo!

Branding the wall. Each lap we branded the wall to mark the lap. This was my final brand. Woohoo!